Free Education for Christian Pakistani

Quality education will go a long way towards ensuring a bright and promising future for the Christian community in Pakistan. Through quality education, we provide Christians with the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty. Currently, majority of the Christian community in Pakistan live below the poverty line with scant resources. Most parents cannot afford to send their children to school. Due to the lack of education, lack of awareness regarding the importance of education, and limited economic resources, the majority of the Christians in Pakistan are engaged in professions like sanitation, cleaning houses, etc. 

The nationalisation of Christian institutions in 1972 was a watershed moment for Pakistan. The nationalization of Christian institution was an injustice to Pakistani Christians and a violation of the constitutional rights of the weak religious minorities. By building a school in Rawalpindi, AHF will be instrumental in helping young Christians recover from their educational privation as a result of the nationalisation of Christian schools in the 1970s. The project aims to provide free, quality education for Christian students. Students will be taught in English and the courses will be designed according to the Oxford Syllabus. In order to foster the spiritual growth of the students, a small chapel will be built on the school campus. 

There is a famous saying – “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Only through quality education can we help the Christian community in Pakistan to earn a profitable livelihood in terms of respect and money. Education is the right of every citizen and unfortunately, Christians in Pakistan have been deprived of this basic right. Our solemn pledge is to build an educational institution that will change the lives of many Christian children and their families.



Stage 1

August 2023


Entity Registered and official Website


Stage 2

June 2024 (in progress)


Purchase Land


Stage 3

July 2024- June 2025


Construction of School building, chapel and admin office

class intake

Stage 4

September 2025


Equipment/Logistics and operating expenses

Class Intake

Want to help?

Give to Alters Hope Foundation to support persecuted Christians in Pakistan.

Provide Education

Help building a school for underprivileged Christian students in Pakistan

Erradicate Poverty

Christian children with quality education will have better job opportunities to uplift themselves above the poverty line

Become a Member

Collaborate and donate to make this dream come true

It’s Time to Make This World Better


Goal: 500.000€

Building a school in Rawalpindi for the Christian children

Along with quality education for underprivileged Christian students in Pakistan, AHF will disciple young students to by incorporating Christian ethics into the curriculum, with the ultimate desire that they might come to know and cherish Christ.